Zero Interest Loans

Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime


Borrow Darli USD against ETH

Darli is an opensource decentralized borrowing protocol that allows you to draw 0% interest loans against Ether used as collateral. Loans are paid out in DarliUSD – a USD pegged stablecoin, and need to maintain a minimum collateral ratio of only 110%.

110% backed

Darli’s efficient liquidation mechanism allows users to get the most liquidity for their ETH. Under normal operation.

Unstoppable Stablecoin

Darli-USD is an immutable, decentralized stablecoin with no centralized counter party risk.

Censorship resistant

Censorship resistant, the protocol is controlled by nobody

0% Interest Rate

Darli charges a small, one-time fee to borrow LUSD instead of highly variable interest rates.


Trusted Holders

How Earn by Darli ?

There are basically two different ways to generate revenue using Darli …

Latest from Blog

Announcements, updates, and more from the Darli team.

Darli: Decentralized Borrowing

I am proud to announce Darli, a decentralized borrowing protocol designed to generate unprecedented liquidity against Ether as collateral!…